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Wanna Grow? Geeks For Growth marketing glasses

Meet The Team

Wanna Grow? Geeks For Growth marketing glasses

Who We Are

Kashif Yaqoob

Chief of Staff

Ikenna Oyenta

Marketing Lead

Ahsan Sajjad

Team Lead

Victor Nwokoye

Sr. Designer

Ayesha Attiya

Team Lead

Arsalan Qamar

Sr. Designer

Peter Adana

Sr. Designer

Alveena Hassan

Sr. Designer

Nashmia Shah

Graphic Designer

Sami Uddin

Motion Designer

Hamza Khaild

Graphic Designer

Usman Khalid

Assoc. Designer

John Adebayo

Sr. Full Stack Developer

Raji Ibraheem

Full Stack Developer

Sadaf Moneeb

Assoc. Developer

Ada Ani

Marketing Associate

Haris khan

MTO - Business Development

Tariq Mushtaq

Sr. Frontend & WP Developer

Usama Shafi

Frontend & WP Developer

Musharib Akhter


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